Tips to Choose a Career-Boosting Ethical Hacking Course in India
Currently in India, the demand for ethical hackers outstrips supply. This presents a huge opportunity for those looking for new, high-paying jobs in the IT sector. A certified ethical hacking course is the best way to build the necessary skills and carve a lucrative career in cyber security.
What Does Ethical Hacking Involve?
Ethical hacking or white hat hacking is the legal way to track weaknesses or vulnerabilities in an information system’s operating environment. Ethical hackers use the tools and techniques that malicious hackers use to penetrate network and security systems. With worms, malware, ransomware, viruses and cyber-attacks posing huge threats to manipulation of sensitive data, organizations are hiring hacking specialists to safeguard computer systems.
Features to Look For
An ethical hacking course should encompass wide-ranging topics including foot printing, reconnaissance, malware threats, cloud computing, cryptography, sniffing, social engineering among other things. A student should learn how to scan networks, hack systems, hack web applications, hack mobile platforms, hack wireless networks, hijack sessions, hijack web servers and evade firewalls. Ideally, the course should have live projects so students can practice their new-found skills and placement assistance.
What to Expect After Course Completion?
A vendor neutral certified ethical hacking course can lead to diverse job roles such as penetration tester, network security specialist, security consultant, wireless security specialist, security auditor, security software developer and much more. After completing the course, students can apply for jobs in the private as well as government sector. Demand for ethical hackers is high among various types of business enterprises including banking, finance, e-commerce, IT and retail enterprises.
For best outcome, don’t enroll into any random ethical hacking course. Choose a certified ethical hacking course to pick up specialist knowledge and skills!