CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility

Benevolence has always been part of the Indian culture since innumerable years wherein businesses have been contributing towards social causes. Over the past several decades, this concept has gained momentum formally as CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility. All forms of donations under CSR are now formalized, measured, tracked and centrally managed by the organization. Outlined herewith are our key functional initiatives:

Sponsoring Students

We invite individuals, professional associations or business entities to be partners in progress of society by undertaking responsibility for a ‘Student’ as part of their CSR Objectives with ‘right to education’ and ‘youth upliftment’ as the main supporting causes. All such contributions to be made in favour of “Foresight Society of HRD”, a non-profit & all donations are exempted u/s 80G of Indian Income Tax Laws & Regulations.

RPL - Recognition of Prior Learning

At present, Skill Eco System RPL has come up as an important tool to certify people with certain skills set but do not have any recognitions or accreditations. Any industry dealing with such people employed for certain jobs can collaborate with F-TEC to explore possibilities of developing a project under RPL in order to accord recognition to the skills set through NSQF Certificate.


Any industry or enterprise could connect with F-TEC (Foresight Edutec Pvt. Ltd.), authorised under National Apprenticeship Scheme.

Hire from Us

F-TEC presently offers programs in more than 15 sectors with a strong student base in more than 10 states. Any industry or enterprise looking to hire skilled manpower, could contact F-TEC who are well placed to provide services as per their specific requirements.